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[18+ ONLY] Permission Granted by JJFoLe

The golden boy was formally seated on his knees, his hands positioned on his thighs, his gaze gave off his utmost seriousness. His robe, perfectly ironed, shone to the foggy light of the sunset. His behavior implied the importance of his request. However, frowning, he was waiting for the second host to arrive.

Wei Wuxian smiled as he guessed which request could bring this gravity on Jin Ling's face. Although the clean small table separated them, he noted the trembling hands of the boy. Wei Wuxian maintained his lotus pose as he caressed the hair of the child sitting next to him.

“Jin Ling ge ge,” the kid said, “Is Lan Sizhui ge ge fine?”

Wei Wuxian held back his sneer when he noticed Jin Ling's cheeks blushing to that simple question.

“Yes, he is doing fine,” Jin Ling calmly answered.

“Oh, I'm so happy! I can't wait to see him again!” the kid exclaimed, now on his two feet.

“Hehe,” Wei Wuxian giggled, “little one, it's time for you to go to your room now.”

“Fine, dad,” he politely replied and bowed to the guest, “Jin Ling ge ge, see you soon.”

The kid hugged his dad before leaving the room empty of his joyful presence. Jin Ling took up his harsh tone again, “he is polite.”

“Indeed, in just a year, he adjusted to his new home. His father teaches him well.” Wei Wuxian explained, with a delicate proud smile. A year ago, during a night hunt in Yiling, Lan Wangji and he had found this now five years old little boy on a street miserably starving to death. Without a ounce of hesitation, they fostered him. After a few months, the child had chosen by himself to call them as his parents.

“You...” Jin Ling almost growled.

“I wasn't talking about me.” Wei Wuxian softly told.

As he finished his sentence, Lan Wangji entered the room with a plate in his hands where the tea was resting. He served his guest and his partner before himself. Despite his straight face, his yellow eyes pierced the room with a bright but soothing intensity. He sat next to Wei Wuxian and looked up to Jin Ling.

“What is your request, young Master Jin Ling?” Lan Wangji asked.

“I-” Jin Ling started but immediately paused, he breathed in and out, and restarted speaking again, “Hanguang-Jun, Senior Wei,” Jin Ling eyed them with determination. Wei Wuxian hid his astonishment at hearing for the first time Jin Ling showing regard toward him. “Hanguang-Jun, Senior Wei,” he repeated, “May I ask for your permission to take young Master Lan Sizhui as my life partner? As you both are for each other, I wish for Lan Sizhui and myself to live a serene life as long as death does not reach us.” Jin Ling finished, bowing.

A large smile appeared on Wei Wuxian's face, he wrinkled his softened eyes. While he had been aware of their close relationship, he felt a blend of emotions burst in his chest; happiness, fear, and pride. He glanced at Lan Wangji who didn't speak yet, Wei Wuxian noticed that his eyes imperceptibly widened and his pupils quivered tenderly. Wei Wuxian's grin enlarged even more when Lan Wangji turned his head to him, Lan Wangji offered him a sweet and short smile.

Jin Ling raised his head, his hands still laying on the ground, impatient, he frown “so?”

Wei Wuxian burst of laugh, Jin Ling was unable to keep his politeness more than five minutes. Lan Wangji collectedly questioned, “why did you ask for our permission?”

“He, Lan Sizhui, thinks of you like the ones who made the man he is today. When I told him to ask my Uncle for permission, he told me to ask both of you for one too,” Jin Ling enlightened.

“Permission granted!” Wei Wuxian cried out.

“What? Are you sure?” Jin Ling looked surprised to this answer.

“Is it not the reason of your visit?” Lan Wangji continued with wisdom, “As long as it is what Lan Sizhui wants, as long as he lives happy, it is all that matters. Permission granted.”

“I'm not seeking only for A-Yuan happiness, but also yours, Jin Ling,” Wei Wuxian added.

“I-” Jin Ling hid his face with a hand and cleared his throat, “Thank you.” He stood up, and headed to the exit, he turned around and said “If Uncle agrees, it will take place next month, to GusuLan sect.”

“So you chose GusuLan,” Wei Wuxian uttered, pointlessly. “Don't you want to stay for the night?”

“No, it's fine. Thank you very much.” he was going to leave but he stopped as if he forgot to tell something. “I didn't ask him, but can you tell him? He is, of course, invited, he's his only blood family, after all.”

“It will be done.” Lan Wangji confirmed, he understood Jin Ling was talking about Wen Ning.

When Jin Ling was leaving, Wei Wuxian whispered, “you have grown, Jin Ling, you have grown up a lot.”

Wei Wuxian perceived the reddened ear's tip of Jin Ling, but he decided to keep quiet. Finally, the young man disappeared as much as Wei Wuxian's smile. After this late visit, Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji checked on their son who fell asleep on the ground. Lan Wangji preciously carried him to his bed without waking him up, they stared at him for few minutes, and joined back in their own room. Wei Wuxian sighed, he thought about the permission he just granted, he thought about Jin Ling and Lan Sizhui, he thought about the past and the future. Although he disliked stirring the past because what was done was indeed, done, his mind was preoccupied, afraid of every event, every repetition that could happen from his past life.

Suddenly, the voice of Lan Wangji echoed in the silent room, “what is in your mind?”

Wei Wuxian startled, “Lan Zhan...” he whispered, “you noticed?”


“It's nothing much, don't worry, Lan Zhan.”

“If I noticed, it is not nothing,” he said while he was withdrawing his head ribbon. “Are you in fear?”

“Shouldn't I?” Wei Wuxian required even though he wasn't waiting for an answer. “I am partly responsible for the destruction of his family Lan Zhan... And now, he's coming to me to ask me if he could make the one he loves his husband?” He paused, his gaze was desperately locked on Lan Wangji. “A-Yuan's family died because of me as well,” he breathed, his voice was full of emotions. “For him to consider me as a father figure, I don't deserve it. Lan Zhan... I ruined their past, I'm just afraid to ruin their future. I am afraid to go, there, I am afraid to prepare a present and kill someone again, either it is because of someone else or myself.”

“It won't happen.” Lan Wangji's tone deepened. He approached Wei Wuxian and hugged him, he lowered his head to Wei Wuxian's ear, “It was twenty years ago, you are not the same man. Now, I am here.”

“Lan Zhan...” Wei Wuxian sank his face in Lan Wangji's neck.

“I will protect you, and them, I will be by your side no matter what. Do not be afraid, Wei Ying.” Lan Wangji snarled his fingers in Wei Wuxian's hair.

“Lan Zhan...” he lifted his head again to see the man's eyes.

Lan Wangji brought his hand on Wei Wuxian's face to stroke it. His eyes looked into the other's, Lan Wangji led his lips to Wei Wuxian's mouth who opened it to feel Lan Wangji's tongue intertwined with his. The mature movements of Lan Wangji had always had the power to embrace and kindle him fast. Wei Wuxian wrapped his arms around his partner's neck. The tongue left his mouth and as Lan Wangji's raised his head again, Wei Wuxian observed the slight pink on the man's cheeks that only he could witness.

“Lan Zhan, hold me.”

Lan Wangji grabbed his thighs in order to carry him, Wei Wuxian, then, clenched his legs around his partner's hips. Lan Wangji huffed, “I am holding you.”

Wei Wuxian puffed, he tightened his grip. When Lan Wangji's hot breath hit his skin, he drew his lips near to Lan Wangjis again to feel it more, “I love you, Lan Zhan.”

“I love you too, Wei Ying,” Lan Wangji spoke while he was walking to the bed.

Wei Wuxian playfully kissed his husband on his lips, on his chin, nose and cheeks, bothering his sight to the bed, nevertheless, the man perfectly managed his way. Lan Wangji laid him on the bed cherishing his affectionate moves and kisses, he could feel his own preciousness in his partner's heart.

“I want to please you,” Lan Wangji said with a voice more hoarse than usual.

“You please me everyday, at every moment, how can you please me more?” Wei Wuxian smirked. He was sitting, holding Lan Wangji's robe with his two hands.

Lan Wangji untied his husband's robe and caressed his upper body while he was undressing him. He dug his face on Wei Wuxian's neck to gently lick his skin with the tip of his tongue. Wei Wuxian instantly placed his hand on Lan Wangji's head leaving a raucous breath out. The man straightened, Wei Wuxian took the opportunity to undress him back, willing to have their skin pasted on the other. Even after eight years, he was still amused by the flustered face of Lan Wangji when he was the one to remove his white clothes.

“Turn around” Lan Wangji whispered.

“But I wanted to-”

“You will not be disappointed.” Lan Wangji interrupted.

Wei Wuxian giggled and obeyed, if Lan Wangji said so, he trusted him. Lan Wangji observed Wei Wuxian back with delight. He traced with his finger every bones and muscles and made Wei Wuxian shiver before opening the pot next to the bed, a perfume scent escaped on the air. He freed his partner's neck from his hair and kissed it, he, next, slid his tongue to the shoulders.

“Lan Zhan, it tickles...” Wei Wuxian breathed.

Lan Wangji stopped and plunged his hands on the pot oiling his fingers. He started stroking the parts he had already kissed.

“Lan Zhan... what is it?”

“It is perfume oil. I made it myself so it is safe.”

Wei Wuxian burst of emotions, Lan Wangji's hands sensually appeased his woes when his mouth and his skin slipping against his were sparking his desires. The more his lips touched his back the more he felt the mutual tension in their lower parts. Lan Wangji brushed his waist as he was licking his low back.

“Mmh... Lan Zhan...” Wei Wuxian moaned.

By these words, Lan Wangji stopped and raised his body to turn Wei Wuxian on his back. He plunged his hands in the pot again. Wei Wuxian's breath was short although he had not given any kisses, the sweet touches and the intoxicating scent made him forget to breathe. Lan Wangji let his oiled skin skim Wei Wuxian's upper bare body and led his head to his partner's in order to capture his lips. Wei Wuxian wrapped his arms around Wangji again. While Lan Wangji was moving his hips and making collide their lower part, their moans became recurrent. Lan Wangji's right hand left the breast he was caressing to set his fingers between the two cheeks of his butt. The blushing face of Wei Wuxian reddened even more when he felt the tip of his husband's fingers penetrate him. Subconsciously, he bit his inner cheek before he started to groan more and more as the fingers moved inside him. As soon as he was prepared, Lan Wangji let his intimate part enter Wei Wuxian to enjoy together the pleasure and satisfy their desires up to their cries and groans.

In each other's arms, they woke up sharing the same scent of the perfume oil. His face snuggled in Lan Wangji's neck, Wei Wuxian could only hear his husband's breath. Lan Wangji stroke his hair with care and straightened. Wei Wuxian guessed he had been waiting for him to wake up before moving.

“Someone is here.” Lan Wangji said, composed. “Little one is awake.”

“Little one, where?” Wei Wuxian sat, dazed. His ears had left Lan Wangji's chest so he could hear two voices from outside of the room. “With whom little one is talking to?”

“It is not 6am yet, you might guess.” Lan Wangji continued, too mysteriously for Wei Wuxian to understand in this early morning.

Wei Wuxian focused on the unknown voice, his guess was fast even if he had not have not recognized it. After Jin Ling's announcement, he knew he would have come. He sighed and grumbled “Jiang Cheng.”

He jumped out of the bed along with Lan Wangji, he gathered their clothes lying on the ground and dressed. He styled his hair to avoid Jiang Cheng's mockery on his bed face. He looked at Lan Wangji, he was unsure about what he should say. Lan Wangji didn't speak but he notified his support by kissing Wei Wuxian on the cheek as a good morning, or as good luck. They exited the world they formed for themselves, leaving their bed room.

Immediately, they saw Jiang Cheng carrying the child in his arms, he displayed a tender look and smile fading as soon as they appeared. Despite their past and their old dispute, Jiang Cheng had always been nice to the kid, although Wei Wuxian knew that this mild grin will be replaced by his famous severe expression when the child will grow up.

“Father, Dad, Uncle Jiang Cheng has come to see you!” Jiang Cheng let the kid go. He promptly rushed to his parents only to hold their robes.

“Why didn't you wake us up?” Wei Wuxian asked to Little one.

“I told him to not to.” Jiang Cheng replied, a smirked on his face, he added “He's still a kid after all.”

“Pff” Wei Wuxian laughed, he understood what Jiang Cheng meant but he didn't argue too much, “jealous?” he dared to say.

Although their relationship had not been restored like it could have been, it improved by several aspects. Of course, Jiang Cheng never smiled to him personally and won't be able to forgive him, but they chitchatted and laughed at each other as old friends would do. However, the tension soaring between them had never left.

“Of what?” Jiang Cheng frowned faking ignorance.

“Never mind, I know why you came for, let's sit and talk.”

The three men sat around the table where there was a bunch of freshly cut flowers from the garden. Usually, the child brought the flowers from the garden only when he was accompanied by one or another of his parents, or Wen Ning. Wei Wuxian winced, since it wasn't neither of Lan Wangji nor him, it had to be Wen Ning. He looked at Jiang Cheng, flaunting a forced grin which was automatically noticed by the YunmengJiang leader sect.

“What's with that smile?” he asked.

“Ah ah... nothing, what are you talking about? I am glad to see you, here, conversing about some wedding.” Wei Wuxian dodged the little for the main problem.

“Yes! Indeed! I am against this union.” Jiang Cheng exclaimed hitting the ground with his fists.

“We guessed you would.” Lan Wangji talked to the man for the first time.

“Lan Sizhui told you the truth, didn't he?” Wei Wuxian paused, “of course he did, you wouldn't be here if he didn't.”

“Yes, that's why I'm against the idea! I won't accept any Wen in my family!”

“Lan Sizhui has grown as a Lan man sect. He is one from his body to his soul.” Lan Wangji frowned, although his words were calmly said. “Lan Sizhui is a honest man. If he told you, he would rather you to not accept it than lie to you.”

“Back then, he was only three years old!” Wei Wuxian raised his voice “I have told you already to forget about everything. You just should pray for their happiness as we do. ”

“Do you pray for their happiness? For Jin Ling's too? Ha.” Jiang Cheng sneered.

Lan Wangji brought himself closer to his partner, Wei Wuxian felt the warmth of his husband's body on his right side, he reached his hand to intertwine their fingers. He replied, softly, “That's the reason why. I messed up so I want his happiness, along with Lan Sizhui’s.”

“I know what I should do. I know nothing matters if he's happy. He chose a man, I accept. But he chose a descendant of them. My parents, my sister and Jin Zixuan, would they have accepted? Jin Ling did.” Jiang Cheng lowered his head, with his hands on his thighs, he squeezed his robe waiting for a heavenly answer. Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji painfully watched the scene in a deathly silence, whatever they wanted to say, they were not in the place to. “If this wedding happens,” Jiang Cheng continued, “I will be his only family to be here.”

As he raised his head again, some tears flowed on his cheeks. Wei Wuxian's eyes widened, he had not seen Jiang Cheng's sad expression since their late teenage years, when his sect was inhaled. Wei Wuxian could still hear Jiang Cheng requiring his parents' lives. Wei Wuxian felt even more powerless than in the past, he had no right to console him in any way. Nonetheless, his body reacted before thinking, leaving Lan Wangji's side, he stood up and carefully approached Jiang Cheng. He sat next to him and put his hand on his back. Despite he was in cause, he didn't bear to see him crying. Trying to hold the tears in his eyes, he whispered, “I know. I'm sorry.” he repeated several times these words to be heard.

Lan Wangji, who could only peer them, glanced at the door leading to the garden, he decided in spite of the moment they were in to let him in, “Wen Ning, you may come in.” Usually, Lan Wangji comprehend that Jiang Cheng had always been upset with Wen Ning's existence, but his deep soul perceived the need of Wen Ning's presence. More importantly, Wen Ning was also the only blood family member of Lan Sizhui.

Wen Ning entered, he immediately sat on the ground and bowed to Jiang Cheng. Jiang Cheng's blue purple irises fixing him, he said, “I am sorry for everything I had done in the past, I am sorry to be here. I just happened to know what you were talking about because I was eavesdropping but please, grant your permission to my little cousin and young master Jin Ling.”

Jiang Cheng wiped his tears away, “You too?” Wen Ning looked like he was going to be scolded even though it was impossible for his face to make any expression. “You might be dead but you are his only family besides these two idiots who proclaimed themselves father.”

“We didn't?!” Wei Wuxian choked, “he... A-Yuan did by himself.”

“You feel like you are though.” Jiang Cheng added.

“You can talk, you act like a mother hen with his chick when you are with Jin Ling!” Wei Wuxian started to laugh.

“It's...” Jiang Cheng blushed without any more words.

The appeased atmosphere brought them back to their teenage years to the cloud recesses. For the night, they forgot about the past, they decided to celebrate the wedding of the boys without woes, drinking (except for Lan Wangji, Wei Wuxian strictly prohibited him alcohol in people's presence), laughing and playing cards. Even if it was an ephemeral moment, Wei Wuxian wished Jin Ling and Lan Sizhui could see them right now. They were probably worried because of Jiang Cheng's unwillingness the eve. However, he wanted to see their pleased face to their little family's celebration, and their smile for each other a month later during their wedding.

The beams sustaining the room were decorated in an imperial red along with the furniture, whereas the golden vases on them added a richness to the venue redesigned for the event. Wei Wuxian was moving back and forth around the room while Lan Wangji was sitting on a chair, patiently waiting. The days had flown and a month had passed, today was the day.

“Calm down and sit down,” Lan Wangji said. “Everything is going well.”

“Yeah, I know” Wei Wuxian replied. “But Lan Zhan, he may have failed at dressing in his red robe, this is complicated to put on, I should help him.”

“It is fine, we did it on our own back then, so he will do well alone.” Lan Wangji reassured with an almost invisible smile.

“You're right, Lan Zhan, he is our A-Yuan after all!” Wei Wuxian paused, “I heard on the street from some mothers that most of them had cried during their child's wedding, do you think you will cry, Lan Zhan?”

“But, I am not his mother?” Lan Wangji answered as he crossed his legs, his serious yellow eyes in Wei Wuxian's who was sporting a mischievous grin.

“Ah, Lan Zhan,” he went closer to his husband, “gender doesn't matter, you know it more than anyone.” He crouched to Lan Wangji's knees and smiled, “since you married me.”

Lan Wangji leaned his face toward Wei Wuxian, he caressed his partner's chin with no other thought than kissing him. However, a door's grinding echoed in the room announcing the arrival of someone else. The mysterious person laughed as they saw the scene happening before their eyes and the words they heard, they declared, “You may be the one to cry, Senior Wei.”

The couple stopped what they were doing and recognized Lan Sizhui's voice. Wei Wuxian stood up and tried to act justified as he turned around “I am not going to cr-”

He was cut by his sight, Lan Sizhui's appearance took away his breath. The man had replaced his usual head ribbon for a red and golden one, two braids starting from the front were tied and rolled to the sophisticated bun arranging his hair. His red robe and the golden seal in the middle front fitted him impeccably and enhanced his complexion.

“It fits you well.” Lan Wangji admitted before Wei Wuxian, he displayed a smile he didn't try to hide anymore.

Lan Sizhui's look smoothed again and his lips opened for his teeth to be seen in a childish smile, “Hanguang-Jun... Thank you.”

Wei Wuxian who didn't say a word yet cleared his throat and complimented, “you are beautiful, as expected of our A-Yuan.” He walked toward Lan Sizhui and continued, “we made a good luck charm for your wedding to be happy and for all your wishes to be fulfilled in the course of your life.”

He took out an embroidered neat canvas portraying a scenery with a flow of bright and pure colors. Few misty and calm clouds skimmed the defined azure blue sky where a bird or two could be seen. On the green grass ground of the artwork, two silhouettes were standing back, holding hand. Even if they were only shadows, one could see them drowning of happiness, as if a smile was perceptible on their face. In the background, almost unnoticeable, two rabbits were looking for them preciously under a tree.

Lan Sizhui analyzed the canvas and started to laugh, “Senior Wei, when you said 'we', you only meant Hanguang-Jun, didn't you? Only Hanguang-Jun could embroider this.”

Lan Wangji nodded as he stood up, “Mm” before giving a better answer in his partner's defense, “Wei Wuxian came up with the idea. Without him, I could not have made it beautiful.”

Wei Wuxian clarified, “I had planned to draw Jin Ling and you in your wedding's robe as a present, I want to give you the best I can.”

Lan Sizhui took Wei Wuxian's hand and went closer to Lan Wangji. He looked at them deeply, his honest blue gray eyes fixed their pupils subsequently. The older men didn't dare to talk despite the awkwardness hovering their environment. They felt like Lan Sizhui had something to say. A microcosm had formed around them, as if, nothing else could interfere, only a soft expression covered their face, they were waiting for his words.

“I will say what I have already said.” Lan Sizhui declared, “It is not like I appreciate to remind you of the past, but for a day like this one, it is needed. My chances of survival were low, Senior Wei saved my close family,” he eyed him and pursued, “you even made Uncle Ning come back from the dead.” He laughed, “you gave them food, water, and a roof under which they could share hearty moments. And I was one of them. They considered you as a part of their family, and, although you buried me like a radish more than once, you were my precious family too.”

He paused and held their hands, “after that, I could have died hidden in this tree, but after days in pain, I saw Hanguang-Jun's figure, the one I have already seen with Senior Wei, the one to whom Senior Wei trusted. I felt relieved, I was saved again. I had forgotten everything but I was saved once more.” He turned his gaze toward the man, “you taught me cultivation, how to play a guqin, you buried me under rabbits. You raised me as your son.”

Some tears trembled in Lan Sizhui's eyes, he tried to keep them in, “If you had not been here, both of you, I would not stand here, in front of you. Uncle Ning came earlier and told me Senior Wei didn't understand why I would consider his permission as important as Hanguang-Jun's. The answer is here, I wouldn't be alive without you. I wouldn't want to make Jin Ling my life partner, because I wouldn't be here. Senior Wei, Hanguang-Jun, you are both my family with Uncle Ning. You are the ones who taught me carefully, or not, who saw me growing up. I said it years ago, but I repeat it again; thank you for everything.”

Wei Wuxian had listened to his speech carefully, he had drunk every word, he had scanned the shaken pupils of the boy which made his own eyes quiver. Earlier, he laughed at Lan Wangji, but he was the one full of tears in this right moment. His tears dropped the second he saw Lan Sizhui's ones rolling on his cheeks. He stared at Lan Wangji, and even though his eyes were dried, his lips quivered uncontrollably with emotions that he had always tended to hide. Wei Wuxian opened his arms for the two men in front of him and whispered with a hoarse voice, “come here.”

Lan Sizhui buried his face in the shoulders of the two men. He grabbed Wei Wuxian's and Lan Wangji's robes in the exact same way he did in the past. Wei Wuxian snorted, “don't cry, it is you wedding, you are not allowed to cry.”

Lan Sizhui sniffed and giggled slightly, “You are right. I have to fix my hair now.” he paused and said after calming down his cry “I love you.”

Wei Wuxian felt a pressure on his robe by Lan Wangji's hand, he heard him grumbling “Mm. I love you too.”

After the two confessions, Wei Wuxian wiped his tears, and replied back “I love you both.”

Lan Sizhui stepped back, he showed a peaceful smile, “it is the time soon, we should get ready.”

They broke their hug in silence, they waved their hands at each other, before parting, Lan Sizhui by himself, Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian together. They exited the room and noticed the forming crowd in front of the venue where the ceremony was going to take place. Every mighty sects would not miss an event of this scale since Jin Ling was an important man for two of these sects and Lan Sizhui was one of a third.

Not far from where they were, Wen Ning was playing with Little one like they asked him, in order for them to visit Lan Sizhui. Wei Wuxian thought that, as always, Wen Ning could have not kept some subjects quiet, he wasn't upset nor surprised, he was more amused because he was used to it. Wen Ning cared a lot for the mind's health of his loved ones, he couldn't reproach him.

While they were walking to join them, Wei Wuxian observed, as if he was discovering the place again, the greatness of the space used for the occasion. White flowers fixed around and on the series of chairs and tables destined for the guests to assist the wedding contrasted with the crimson color erected as far as his eyes could see. Despite the extent of the event, people were gathered by sect avoiding, thus, contact with the others. Wei Wuxian knew by experience that the younger masters would play around after shifting their shyness for their recklessness, and that the older ones would drink in the honor of the two newlyweds forgetting about any potential animosity.

Once they joined them, Little one ran into his father's arms while Wen Ning looked up at him, preciously, “is everything fine?” he asked.

Wei Wuxian, embarrassed, supposed his eyes were reddened by his previous cry, he rubbed his hand on his eyes with the wish to erase the evidence, “Of course, A-Yuan is the most beautiful man I have ever seen,” he paused and glanced at Lan Wangji who was playing with Little one, “besides Lan Zhan.”

For only answer, Wen Ning nodded, but Wei Wuxian thought that if he could, he would have smiled. Wei Wuxian added, “however, you are unable to keep your tongue quiet, aren't you?” he joined his two fists on his hips.

“I am sorry Young Master... I just thought about your own good.” Wen Ning lowered his head, as if he was scolded.

“When will you think about your own good? You deserve it.” Wei Wuxian emphasized his pronunciation of the “your”.

Wen Ning raised his head again and said “I will think about me, Young Master Wei, I promise.”

Wei Wuxian smiled and knocked the head of Wen Ning, although his joyful expression faded as soon as he heard barks. He ran behind Lan Wangji and grabbed his robe, he tried not to climb on him because Lan Wangji was carrying Little one. Lan Wangji decided nonetheless to turn around and take him in his free arm. As expected, Jiang Cheng arrived next to them flaunting his usual nonchalant face.

“W-why this dog is here!?” Wei Wuxian exclaimed, panicked.

“Fairy is a part of Jin Ling's family, of course he is here!” Jiang Cheng stated.

Wei Wuxian recognized it was the truth, so he said no more words. Jiang Cheng side-eyed the ground like a timid man and confessed, “I am happy for the wedding, I hope you are too.”

“Hmm” Wei Wuxian smirked, “Not like you to act all shy.”

“Shut up.” Jiang Cheng cursed, half serious.

After their short exchange, they noticed the crowd was sitting on the chairs. The ceremony was soon, going to begin. Without any other sentence, they walked to the front to sit. Lan Wangji looked around and said, worryingly, “Brother did not come.”

At the same moment, Little one jiggled his hand to the east direction, “Father, dad, can I go to see Uncle Lan Xichen?”

Lan Wangji quickly turned his head, it had been a long time since he had not seen his brother, he drew a semblance of a grin to his brother as he nodded and replied, “yes, of course.” He dropped the kid on the ground who rushed to see his uncle. Lan Xichen had withdrawn from the public sight and lived confined, by himself, in his late mother's house. Even for Lan Wangji, meeting his brother was a hardship.

“It's good to see him,” Wei Wuxian affirmed, dragging his fingers between Lan Wangji's.


When they sat, the soon newlyweds had already been here. Jin Ling's red robe was the same than Lan Sizhui, even if they were used to see Jin Ling into extravagant clothes, his wedding robe made him looked older than he was. His serious expression was shown by his frown, Wei Wuxian was amused to see him stressed to miss something during the ceremony's procedure. However, he couldn't help but be amazed by their magnificence and graciousness, to which, were appended the amorous gazes they shared for each other. Wei Wuxian stared at their accurate moves in which each millimeter was calculated.

He glanced at Lan Wangji, his face was as inexpressive as always, even though his mouth was half opened, Wei Wuxian figured out that he was expressing his surprise. Lan Wangji was the one who should be the more impressed by the event, he saw them growing up and had raised Lan Sizhui to the man he was today. Now, Wei Wuxian admitted he was a part of their lives, but his disappearance for thirteen years made him miss the important steps of their early years. He shook his head, he tightened his grip on Lan Wangji's hand, and, snuggled in Lan Wangji's arms embracing him like a magnet. Lan Wangji crossed his pupils before gently kissing his forehead and holding him tighter. Wei Wuxian buried his head in Lan Wangji's robe for few minutes breathing his smell, he was here with him, he was feeling the strokes of Lan Zhan in his hair.

He focused again on Lan Sizhui and Jin Ling, he could guess their thoughts as he was at their place once. The love which had usually been already hard to define, the love one felt in these circumstances was even more indescribable. He remembered that his wish to cherish Lan Wangji, his wish to feel his body against his more than ever, his wish to spend his whole life with him had been increased by ten in a few hours. He thought at the time that this sudden explosive feelings would be appeased right after the marriage, but in fact, they kept growing and growing inside him, a little more everyday. Through them, he could experiment these feelings again for himself but also for them.

He murmured, “Lan Zhan...”

“Wei Ying.”

“How am I supposed to handle these emotions?”

Unexpectedly, his mind was full of good souvenirs of Lan Wangji, Lan Sizhui, and even Jin Ling, their meeting, their hugs and cries, every moment had been a burst of happiness in their presence. He could only watch the smiles on the faces of the boys in red, they had met a lot of difficulties in their lives, everything opposed them from their birth, and yet, they displayed a joyous expression in the thought of spending their life together. They had grown and matured into the best men he could have met, beside Lan Wangji.

“You do not need to restrain yourself, I am here,” Lan Wangji whispered caressing Wei Wuxian's back.

A large grin on his own face, he saw Lan Sizhui stealing a kiss from his husband, as if he did it only to see his partner's obvious reaction. Jin Ling showed himself blushing in front of hundreds of people, and when he realized it, he looked even more embarrassed. Broad laughs reached the crowd, they were more likely thinking that this reaction was fitting Jin Ling's character. Although Wei Wuxian was able to laugh with them, what Lan Sizhui previously said had been right.

Like the mothers in the streets, he had cried all along. And Lan Wangji, like a husband in love and cherished father, had delicately wiped his tears with his soft skinned fingers like Wei Wuxian was the most precious gemstone in the world.

Name: Yurin Twitter: JJFoLe Tumblr: jjfole


with heart comes knowledge, with feelings comes love
with fate comes meetings, with dreams comes fulfillment


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